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It is understood that the new standard has more strict and standardized technical requirements for disposable environment-friendly tableware, mainly in the strict "two checks": first, strict control over raw materials. The new standard has made special provisions on the raw materials of plastic disposable tableware, such as the resin used should be food grade;
The dosage of additives shall comply with GB9685; There shall be no abnormal smell on the senses; Normal color; The molded products shall be free of cracks and filling defects; No oil stain, dust, mildew and other foreign matters; The surface shall be flat and clean, with uniform texture, without scratches, wrinkles, peeling, cracking, perforation, etc.
Second, strictly control the use performance. The new standard mainly puts forward a series of normative requirements on the volume deviation, weight bearing performance, drop performance, cover folding performance and other aspects of plastic disposable tableware, especially on the temperature resistance of plastic disposable tableware, such as hot water resistance and heat resistant oil.
At the same time, the standard has made specific provisions on the heat resistance to water, heat oil, water leakage, weight and temperature of microwave ovens of disposable tableware. More detailed content will come to our website http://www.fs-sjg.com Ask and understand!
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